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Passionate About Inspiring Others

My passion for fitness began as my athletic career was coming to an end. I was introduced to CrossFit during my last year of soccer and instantly was hooked to it. Once soccer ended I started accumulating equipment and working out in my mother's garage. I instantly saw an increase in my fitness and how my body started to change. I went from a scrawny 160lb kid to a 185lbs and it wasn't fat. I loved the idea of being able to see how I was making progress over time. CrossFit also introduced me to Olympic style weightlifting. Olympic style weightlifting involves the Snatch, Clean, and Jerk. I quickly developed a passion for the lifts and still am amazed at the weights I have been able to lift.

This all brought me where I am today. I taught myself everything about fitness. I have experienced all the success and failures that come with it. This has helped me be able to now help other people reach their goals. I believe that you really are capable of reaching all your goals if you believe in the process!

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