Looking for some easy accessory work to help you grow your beach muscles while also helping you deadlift big weight?
Try this at the end of your next deadlift session!
3 sets of:
10 hip extensions or glute-ham raise
10 lat pulldowns
10 bicep curls alternating
Hip extensions: this will help you strengthen the whole posterior chain. Primarily you will feel this in the hamstrings and glutes but it also helps you by forcing you to stabilize your spine. Once you mastered this you can try the glute-ham raise. With a bigger focus on the hamstrings, you are sure to feel the burn.
Lat pulldown: this will target those big lats again which will help stabilize the spine and keep the bar close to the body. Bonus is it will help your pull-ups and also get you wings!
Bicep curls: who doesn’t want big biceps? Keeping your biceps strong will help you not get hurt will deadlifting. Again these will help you do pull-ups and just make you look like a badass.
If you have any questions about your exercise routine I am here to help. Send me a message and we can talk!