When I started college I was an accounting major. That lasted about 1 semester and then I switched to being a criminal justice major for who knows what reason. About 4 or 5 semesters in I took a semester off. I was lost. I didn't know what I wanted to do in life.
During this time I worked and worked out. It was here that I decided I wanted to study exercise. When I made this decision I knew I needed to join a gym. At the time I was really into CrossFit (still am) and knew that someday if I wanted to get a job at a CrossFit gym the easiest way would be to go from member to coach.
The problem was I was broke and the local CrossFit gym was $200 a month. I was working at Kohls as much as I could while going to school. I think I made like $10 an hour which is decent for a 20 year old kid. The good news is I didn't waste money on drinking which was what most college kids did. I remember my mom asking me "how are you going to pay for the gym?".
To me it was easy. I think at the time the gym gave a student discount so my monthly membership was $140 but I knew what I had to do because of my values.
To me if you have values making decisions is easy. Here were my values at the time.
Working out
Friends and Family
School and Work
It was very clear to me what had priority in my life. Want to go hang out with friends but haven't worked out yet? I would put off hanging out with them until I hit a workout. Have classes all day? Then make sure you workout at lunch time. Your friends want to go out and drink? I wouldn't do it to save money and more importantly get a good night of sleep.
My point with this is if your health and fitness is a priority you will sacrifice other things to allow you to get it done. Whether you think you don't have enough money or time the answer is you do. It might just take looking in the mirror and asking yourself how much do I value my health?
Coach Ben