Monday is usually a lower body strength day for me. I alternate between squats and deadlifts depending on the goal at the time. Yesterday I came down with the stomach bug that my son brought home so instead of training today I took a much needed rest day. Sometimes things happen and you just have to scrap the normal plans.
The good news is before I got sick yesterday I was able to get in a good upper body strength day that went as followed.
Db External Rotations 3x10x10
Bench Press 5x3x225 (did 5 reps on my last set because it felt good)
Dynamic Push Ups to a 45lb Plate 4x10
Incline Db Curls 4x12x25
Banded Tricep Push Downs 4x25xred
The bench press is feeling strong and I think something big is finally coming with this as long as I stick to the plan. If you are looking for a good bicep pump give the incline db curls a shot. They hit the biceps differently than regular curls and it gave me a huge pump.
Because of this unplanned rest day, I will do my squats tomorrow morning followed by my normal Tuesday 3-4 mile run.
Coach Ben